
How To Find The Max Value In A List Python

None of usa can dispute that Python is 1 of the most popular and useful programming languages. Information technology offers a wide range of data types that are useful in a wide range of applications.

One of the fundamental and versatile data types in Python is a list. A Python list is a collection of ordered items separated by commas. A python list is mutable, and you tin change list items.

This tutorial will bear witness you how to create a python list and offer various ways to locate the maximum value inside a listing.

How to Create a Python Listing

Let usa start with the basics: how to create a list.

NOTE: If you are already familiar with python lists creation, feel free to skip ahead.

To create a list in Python, we add together all the items (separate each particular with a comma) within a pair of square brackets []

Items in a Python list tin support diverse data types, including string, integers, floats, dictionaries, and even nested lists.

The following example creates a list called my_list with various items in it.

# initialize an empty list
my_list = [ ]
# list with integers, strings, floats, dictionaries and nested lists
my_list_ = [ 10 , "How-do-you-do World" , 10.1 , [ "nested_list" , { "fundamental": "value" } , ten ] ]

In the outset list, we initialize a listing with no items. Side by side, we populate it with various data types including integers, strings, floats, dictionaries, and lists.

How to Admission List Items

We can admission items in a list using various methods. For simplicity, we will just discuss two methods.

The first one:

one: Array Indexing

To access items in an array using the array indexing arroyo, we use the index operator in Python. Within the operator, we pass the index we wish to admission.

Note: Indexing in Python starts at the alphabetize of 0. That means the starting time detail in a list is always index 0.

Consider the example below:

db = [
"MySQL" ,
"PostgreSQL" ,
"SQLite" ,
"MongoDB" ,
"MariaDB" ,
"Redis" ,
"Microsoft SQL server" ,
"Oracle" ,
"Firebase" ,

Permit us assume the list to a higher place contains the most pop databases. To find the virtually used database, nosotros can employ the syntax:

The argument above should return MySQL.

Notation: Accessing items out of the listing alphabetize will upshot in an Index Mistake. For example, the db listing contains 10 items. That means the alphabetize of the 10th particular is ten – i since the index starts at 0.

If we effort to access the tenth index, we go an mistake:

print(db[ 10 ] )

IndexError: list index out of range

The to a higher place method is useful when y'all know how many items are on the listing. If you are non sure of the items in the list, yous can use the second method.

2: Using a Loop

A simple method to access all the items in a list is to employ a simple for loop. An example code for that is below:

db = [

"MySQL" ,

"PostgreSQ;" ,

"SQLite" ,

"MongoDB" ,

"MariaDB" ,

"Redis" ,

"Microsoft SQL server" ,

"Oracle" ,

"Firebase" ,



for particular in db:

impress (detail)

This will loop each particular in the db listing and print out every item in it.

An example output for that is:







Microsoft SQL server




How to Find Max Value in a Python List

Now, let us dive into this commodity's essence; how to find the maximum value in a listing. For this ane, we will implement various methods to attain the same issue.

1: Using the sort method

The starting time method we can use to find the maximum value in a Python list is the sort method.

To do this, we pass the list's name to the sort() method, which will sort all the values in ascending order. After the list sorting process, we can access the last item in the array to get the largest value.

For example, consider the array of values beneath:

values = [

10 , 29.34 , 23 , 72 , 110 , 773 , 322 , 63 , 1 , 34 , 5 , x , 64.iii


Nosotros tin but call the sort method against the list above and get the last item.

To get the final detail in an array, we can use the indexing option and specify the alphabetize every bit -1, which is the last item.

Consider the example lawmaking below:

values = [

10 , 23 , 72 , 110 , 773 , 322 , 63 , 1 , 34 , 5 , ten


values.sort ( )

print (f"The maximum value in the listing is: {values[-ane]}" )

Once we run the code above, we should go the maximum value as:

The maximum value in the list is: 773

2: Using If…else

Another simple fashion to become the maximum value in a listing is to employ a uncomplicated if…else statement.

To implement this, we showtime assume that the largest value is the first item in the alphabetize. Next, we loop through each item in the list and check if it is larger than the initial value. Hence, information technology is set equally the max value; otherwise, move to the next i.

Consider the implementation beneath:

values = [

10 , 23 , 72 , 110 , 773 , 322 , 63 , i , 34 , 5 , 10


# assume maximum value is at index 0

maximum = values[ 0 ]

for i in values:

if i > maximum:

maximum = i

print (f"The maximum value is: {maximum}" )

Similarly, if nosotros run the above code, nosotros should become the maximum value of 773. Here is an instance output:

The maximum value is: 773

3: Using the Max function

Python has an in-congenital max function that y'all can use to locate the maximum value in an iterable. For example, if we call the max part in a listing of strings, it returns the terminal item with the strings bundled in alphabetical order.

Here is an example:

values = [

10 , 23 , 72 , 110 , 773 , 322 , 63 , 1 , 34 , 5 , 10


print (f"The maximum value is: {max(values)}" )

4: Using Heap Queue Nlargest Method

An unconventional way to find the largest value in the list is to use the nlargest method in the Heap Queue module.

This module implements a heap queue algorithm. Larn more nearly the Python heap queue module.

The nlargest method will return the largest values specified. For example, if y'all specify v, the method will render the five largest values in the iterable specified.

For example:

from typing import ValuesView

import heapq

values = [

ten , 23 , 72 , 110 , 773 , 322 , 63 , 1 , 34 , 5 , 10


print (f"The maximum value is {heapq.nlargest(one, values)}" )

The code above should return the value as 773.

The maximum value is: 773

To show the 5 largest values, set the number of items to five as:

from typing import ValuesView

import heapq

values = [

10 , 23 , 72 , 110 , 773 , 322 , 63 , one , 34 , 5 , 10


print (f"The maximum values in gild are {heapq.nlargest(five, values)}" )

This should return an output like to the i shown beneath:

The maximum values in order are [ 773 , 322 , 110 , 72 , 63 ]

Although the higher up method can be overkill, you might find it useful in some instances.


This tutorial has shown you how to create python lists, access items in a list, and diverse ways to get the maximum values in a Python listing.

Cheers for reading!

Nearly the author

My name is John and am a beau geek like you. I am passionate well-nigh all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and aid out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list

How To Find The Max Value In A List Python,


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